Bizgro Bookkeeping

Service Rates

Delivering value with exceptional quality

Professional Bookkeeping Services

Take the stress out of bookkeeping by letting us organise it for you. Although we service many clients, we are a family-run business rather than a franchise. Our founders, Charmaine and Stephen Bazley, still own and run Bizgro.

Our rates are from
plus GST.

Hourly Rates

We generally work at an hourly rate, rather than packaging services into fixed prices. This allows us to just do what we need to and bill you a fair amount. You can trust each hour to be worthwhile. When you’re happy, we’re happy. Our rates are from $70/hr plus GST.

Fixed Monthly Pricing

If you prefer a fixed monthly fee, we are happy to accommodate this. This is a popular option for businesses such as not-for-profits, which have a fixed budget. We are flexible to agree on a fair payment arrangement.

No Contracts

Our rates increase over time due to inflation and the added years of experience to our team. This means every year, we bring new skills and high quality services to our clients. You are free to leave us at any time and we will hand over all the tools you need for the next person to do your bookkeeping. Having said that, many of our clients have happily stayed with us for over a decade!

Please consider the following recommendations for businesses working with Bizgro:

  • Operate business and manage staff ethically and legally
  • Do not receive the majority of revenue from gambling, adult products, alcohol or tobacco
  • Respect ATO lodgements and payments
  • Meet obligations for payroll, including lodgement and payment of superannuation
  • Remain solvent and expects to meet all financial commitments each year
  • Value timely communication practices
  • Strive to expedite the provision of access, information and documents when requested (especially when required by law)

We work with all accounting software.